
I was searching on twitter and suddenly I realized, Mo has tagged me on her blog entry so I'm happy! Thanks a lot for tagging me dear, I'm flattered. Connecting with people here is awesome! 

These were the questions, 

1)Why did you start blogging?

I wanted to record my life and art. 

2)Who's your idol?

Stevie Nicks. First it was Bob Dylan. Then George Harrison happened. Now I adore Stevie of Fleetwood Mac.

3)If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?

I'm Living in Turkey. So Europe countries are not so far. I've been in UK and I liked. Now I want to travel Holland. I've started learning Dutch. I want to be there, travel and live after graduation. 

4)What's your signiture scent?

Mademoiselle by Chanel.

5)What's your favourite makeup brand?

I don't mind it much. I don't even wear mostly. Nivea balms are nice and some kinda eyeliners. :3

6) Would you choose high street or high end fashion?

So much fashion questions omg. High end fashion I'd say.

7)What's your favourite song?

So many oh do not ask that to me. I adore 60s. Here is randomly selected song as an answer:

8)What's your favourite album?


9) Facebook, Twitter or Instagram?

Somehow I've become instagram addict. I love taking photos and sharing the moment. Also I love stalking friends on Facebook but I do not share much on fb, like I'm a ghost there. Twitter is Ok.

10) Which celebrity styles inspire you?

Alexa Chung.. Zooey Deschanel… 

11)What's your best Holiday?

Summer aww his, long enough to literally say my holiday. ^.^


Now I'll tag my apple of eye blogs to join me:

The first is Life of Iris || currently I'm translating her blog to understand Dutch, thank you with all my heart Iris. :D 
The second is Jenny May || Love reading her blog in free time.
Third is Liana Hardy || she have a great style and 

So feel free to tag your own 11 people after doing this. 

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